Sorry for the the absence, this is my brief but triumphant return. Midterms kicked the hell out of me but that was expected. My grades were not what I wanted but they were sufficient so I can't complain. This is attributed to spending an entire month trying to adapt and acclimate. None the less I made it and the second half of the semester is going far more smoothly. This isn't smooth at all but I compare it like this: This half is bad turbulence on a long flight compared to pre-midterms which was like sitting on the same plane as it plunged into the Atlantic.
Don't you just love my imagery?
Anyway, so here's how the new half of the semester is shaping up. All the classes have picked up speed and difficulty but oddly enough this time I'm able to keep up. My methods thus far seem to have me absorbing the material. They're strange, long winded, and inefficient but for me they work. This means I spend more time in study halls than some, more time reading, more time rewriting over and over again. However if it works, then so be it. If it means I get a little less sleep and down time than most, I can live with that.
So here I am, killing myself to live a life I've only seen in my daydreams. Killing myself to earn the privilege of possessing the power and knowledge to save another life, to help those who are hurt, to alleviate human suffering. I can't complain though because quite honestly I love it. I love the person it's turning me into, I love the strength I'm finding that I never knew I had, I love how my mind and perspective changes on an hourly basis. It's evolution in real time. It's painful and exhilarating, it's building the type of character I've only ever seen in my role models. It's the challenge I've been looking for. I can only hope that I am truly rising to it. Time will tell.
What I don't like? Waking up at 5 AM with my leg covered in termites. Welcome to living in Grenada. I'm counting down the days till I go home like a prisoner counts the days to his next parole hearing. I'm halfway home though, halfway back.
This post's song is random but I recently heard it and thought it was worth mentioning.
Gravity is working against me
And gravity wants to bring me down
Oh I'll never know what makes this man
With all the love that his heart can stand
Dream of ways to throw it all away
Oh Gravity is working against me
And gravity wants to bring me down
Oh twice as much ain't twice as good
And can't sustain like a one half could
It's wanting more
That's gonna send me to my knees
Oh gravity, stay the hell away from me
And gravity has taken better men than me (now how can that be?)
Just keep me where the light is
Just keep me where the light is
Just keep me where the light is
C'mon keep me where the light is
C'mon keep me where the light is
Oh... where the light is!
-John Mayer "Gravity"