Tuesday, April 5, 2011

D-Day + 2 Months

So I left another huge gap. See a pattern emerging? 3rd term went well for the most part. Did well, got the grades, had a great time with my friends. Since we had more free time so to speak we all got a little closer, went out a little more, and of course acquired some new stories to be told in the future.

Then 4th term started. Then our lives ended. Ok, not really, but close to it. These days are spent for the most part 18 hours a day studying or working in one form or another. The classes starting at 8 AM and labs going on till 5PM 4 days a week mean you don't get to actually sit down and study until 6PM usually and then you have to quit at a reasonable time to get sleep for the next day. The 5th day is only class on the morning and the weekend is devoted to reviewing and memorizing. It's grueling mentally, physically, and emotionally. The first set of exams were last week, Path and Micro, and the week leading up to it then the week of it were frightening to say the least. I was probably the biggest neurotic train wreck anyone had ever seen. It paid off and I got the grades I needed but I never want to have to feel like that again. I know I will at least two more times before this term is over seeing as we have two more sets of exams. It wasn't just the exams killing me either, try taking any minor personal problem you have then amplifying by 100 because of the mentality you're in from exam week. It's brutal. Again I can't say enough good things about my friends though. Without them I'd have definitely lost my mind more so than I already have. I even can say I've added a few new faces to the usual uncanny cast of characters this term.

Now I'm back in the driver's seat again, on the road to getting the hell out of here. Back to 18 hour days most of which are spent in Taylor. Some new complications have arisen as they usually do, occupying my mind every hour or so for a minute. Even that though isn't too bad and I guess it's getting better as the days pass.

This term absolutely does change you as a person. Not an enormous amount, it's subtle. I can see it for sure though. It pushes you past what you thought you were capable of, makes you do things to survive you never thought you or would do. It changes the way you think not only about survival and academics but also how you look at people, it's slowly making me look at things clinically. It replaces some of those old habits in your head with ones you'd more associate with, dare I say it, a doctor. It's terrible and awesome all at once, like a lot of things I suppose.

Back to work for me, who knows when I'm going to have time to update this again.

"Proud of my life and the things that I have done
Proud of myself and the loner I’ve become
You’re free to whine, it will not get you far
I do just fine, my car and my..
Guitar, guitar go!

I drift, drift, drift, drift, drift, yeah
I drift, drift, drift, drift, drift, yeah oh

And I am done with this
I wanna taste the breeze of every great city
My car and my guitar
My car and my guitar
So you'll come to be, made of these urges unfulfilled
Oh no, no, no, no, no
When I'm dead I'll rest"
-Say Anything Admit it!!

1 comment:

  1. What is micro luggage, is it something you can get any where and is it really practical and not just a fun idea?
